Fill up your cart

Head over to our shop and start adding products into your cart. Having troubles finding the right product? Contact support and we’ll help you out.

There’s tons of products that you can find. Flowers, edibles, concentrates, extracts, CBD, and more. Take a look and we’re sure you’ll be leaving with a full cart and a happy smile.


During checkout, enter and confirm your billing and shipping information. Once you have confirmed all your information is correct, continue placing your order.

Please be aware, if your shipping or billing information is incorrect, it will cause a delay in processing your order. Ensure your information is correct to avoid any delays in receiving your order.

Send your payment

If you are paying for your order with Interac E-transfer, please send your payment to [email protected] under the payee Online Payment. Your payment will be auto-deposited. If it does not, see below.

Please leave your order number in the notes. Your order will be placed on-hold until your payment is confirmed and received. When your payment is received, your order will be sent out the following day.

Any payments sent under any other name will not be accepted.

If your payment does not auto-deposit

Set the security question to : What country?

Set the security question password to : canada

Send payment to

[email protected]

Set the recipient name to

Secure Pay

In the e-transfer comments

Enter your order number

That’s it! Your payment will be auto-deposited.

If there are any issues with the deposit or transfer of your payment, please contact support.